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My bass is gone.

Tomorrow starts my Assistantship and my first day without my bass. The bass is out being repaired all the way in MD. Rumano Solano is dealing with some cracks/structural issues, keeping it in excellent health. I will be working with Dave in the morning to get the CJC facilities in shape for [...]

Todd Johnson

Todd Johnson is definitely one of my heroes. Todd has done what I’ve always thought the electric bass should do: be able to walk, solo, and comp like piano and guitar. He was set to come to Lakeland for a masterclass, but the schedule just did not work out for this fall. [...]

To RB or not to RB

There is an excellent post here about the validity of the Real Book and its use for non-beginners. It turns a bit rought for a while (ah, the anonymity of the internet!), but is well worth the read for anyone who has ever been embarrassed holding the band up while you find “Misty” in [...]