Monday guys –
Don’t forget we’ve moved to Tuesdays for the next two weeks.
Monday guys – Don’t forget we’ve moved to Tuesdays for the next two weeks. As it draws to a close, this has got to be one of the baddest arrangements of Sumnmertime I’ve ever heard: Life at the CJC has been quite hectic. Meetings with the library staff, learning to preserve our commissions and scores. Monday night, the USF School of Music will present the faculty jazz combo and Jazz I with Leisl Whitaker and Pat Harbison (trumpets). This event will be at USF Theater I and is open to the public. Admission is minimal ($12, I think – $7 for students) and it is well worth it. [...] This is an open list of tunes I am working up in combo and should know cold. There are other tunes I already know that I might add later. I just want to keep up with expectations. Oleo [rhythm changes] Updated to include Brandon and make the tentative Ralph/TJ change. ***Ralph – Your lesson time will switch with Myca for 8.14.06. It will do so every Thursday you play chapel*** Tuesday night, I drove straight from USF to Loch Haven Park in Orlando to meet Rumano Solano and pick up my bass. Some ribs have been doubled for strength and all of the cracks repaired. I have some work to accomplish to get the sound where I want it, but I am very [...] The pinky exercise is magic for electric bass players. It can be used myriad ways, focusing on sound, left hand, right hand, and many combinations otherwise. 1 2 3 4__1 4 3 [...] It’s been a taxing first week of Graduate School. I passed the Theory and History placement exams. Ohter than that, it’s been quite discouraging. After four push-backs, my bass is now scheduled to come Tuesday night; after another round of classes without it. Not only do I feel under-prepared for auditions/school/ensembles, [...] Lesson Times are up! Check them now and meet me at that time at the Spence practice rooms. Additionally, check the Lesson Resources page for items you will need. They are mandatory for music majors (of any kind) and strongly suggested for non-majors. |
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