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Southeastern Students: Download this file, shade in the cells where you have class or work, and save the file as firstname_lastname.xls. That’s your first and last name. Then email me the file. Download here Tomorrow is the first day of classes, Autumn 2006, at the University of South Florida. Unfortunately, I do not have any classes tomorrow, only auditions. So, I need to get a bit more practicing in before they come and prepare myself for the worst. I passed my theory placement exam, a minor miracle (Who [...] This excellent film explores the world of percussionist Evelyn Glennie. What will be impressed upon most viewers is the fact that Glennie is deaf. What impresses me the most is how sensitively she hears. I had the pleasure of meeting Glennie several years ago while working for the Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra. She was probably the most demanding, particular soloist we had, very sensitive to the acoustics of the hall and timbre of the instruments we provided her. Glennie has developed an amazing sensitivity to the way sound resonates in her hands, torso, face, allowing her to percieve music with the same precision as a “hearing” musician. I have not met many people as inspiring as Glennie and this evocative film does a superb job of presenting her as a thoughtful, sensitive (there’s that word again) musician and, more importantly, human being. I recommend all students of music and The Arts view this [...] I’ve been infatuated with the work of Frank Gehry ever since the groundbreaking of the Peter B. Lewis building on the campus of Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. I was quite excited to see a three-night run of this film at the Polk Theatre this past weekend and eagerly anticipated viewing the film. A hard-hitting, in-depth documentary, this is not. Sketches of Frank Gehry is a collection of Gehry’s coffee talk with director Sydney Pollack, a friend and admirer if Gehry and his work. Ultimately, what made this film for me was the moment when Gehry confided that he could easily have been a pilot, if not for a few chance events and encouragers in his youth. It is striking, how fragile our futures are and Pollack reminds us of the uncertainties in our own lives. If you are at all interested in the work of one of the most discussed architects in modern history (not to deny the greatness or relevance of F.L.Wright, I.M. Pei, et al), take a moment to enjoy this film. And do yourself the favor of visiting a Gehry building or [...] Being the gear snob I am, I tend to play only the best gear I can afford (and often find amazing deals on), leaving me often in the dark concerning the typical music store fare. So, I decided to take a moment to peruse the holdings at my local Guitar Center and, after being [...] I am working on the Southeastern University bass lesson syllabus presently. Please check back for forthcoming updates. Last night, I had my first gig with Dave from the Center. We played the Starbucks at Waters and Anderson in Tampa. It was nice to play in a drummerless trio (bass, guitar, ‘bone) and I had an excellent time. There are definitely unique challenges to playing without that stady boom-chick in [...] Things are going quite well at the Center for Jazz Comp. My first major project is a complete update of the website, which is nigh half-way done. We aren’t too happy with the design/layout, feeling it needs some kick, but there is a lot going on this year and not enough time for [...] The bass world lost a bright star yesterday with the passing of the Cleveland Orchestra’s Charles Barr. Charles was a friend of my teacher, Mike Hill, and was just really beginning to reach his stride, some say. Barr was struck by a truck while riding his bicycle yesterday after rehearsal. My first day at the CJC went rather quickly (well, it was only 4.5 hours). It involved proofing the CJC website for a list of updating needs, clearing out some parts that were left at the CJC and placing them with their scores in the music library, and some light cleaning/arranging of the facilities. I [...] |
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