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Normal lessons today

Guys –

5:30 and 6:00 today.


Any of my Thursday lessons willing to make a permanant change to 8:00 am?


I am available Saturday morning for makeups for Tyler, Nate, and Brandon. Let me know if you want to have a lesson Saturnday morning.

Lesson Cancellation

Guys –

I have to cancel tonight to get my car repaired. Sorry! I’ll make it up to you!

A different kind of Monday Night Jazz

Tonight is the first concert of the USF Jazz Bands’ season. It will feature the Deuce (including yours truly) and Jazz I in an inspiring program.

Come out and here me play. Concert starts at 8:00pm in USF Theater I. You can get information by contacting the CVPA.

ps – this means Monday night guys are moved this week as well.

lesson change

Monday guys –

Don’t forget we’ve moved to Tuesdays for the next two weeks.


As it draws to a close, this has got to be one of the baddest arrangements of Sumnmertime I’ve ever heard:

Goings On

Life at the CJC has been quite hectic.

    Meetings with the library staff, learning to preserve our commissions and scores.
    Securing books for the Jazz Surge – Miles Ahead and Newport Jazz Festival Suite.
    Finding out and old friend is the Executive Director of the Cleveland Jazz Orchestra.
    Trying and failing to secure a hotel sponsor.
    Setting up a database with Filemaker and teaching myself how to work with it (can anyone help me with scripts?).

I’m trying to keep up with school. I’ll be working a research project on Bassist/Composers. Off the top of my head, I’m interested in Mingus, John Patitucci, John Clayton, and Dave Holland. Any other suggestions? We won’t actually be doing the research for the class, just the theoretical framework business. I plan to folow through next year (spring/summer ’07) and get published, God willing.

Other than that, just trying to practice as much as possible. Transcriptions are a pretty difficult bag for me. Just trying to keep my head above.

Concerts coming up soon. Jazz II (the Deuce) and USF Symphony Orchestra. Stay tuned.

Monday Night Jazz

pat harbison and leisl whitaker

Monday night, the USF School of Music will present the faculty jazz combo and Jazz I with Leisl Whitaker and Pat Harbison (trumpets). This event will be at USF Theater I and is open to the public. Admission is minimal ($12, I think – $7 for students) and it is well worth it. The very first time I stepped foot onto USF’s campus was for a Monday Night Jazz with Rufus Reid. That changed my life and I don’t think I’d be a Double Bass player had I not seen Reid that night. (More later)

Come out and see the University if you can.

Tune List

This is an open list of tunes I am working up in combo and should know cold. There are other tunes I already know that I might add later. I just want to keep up with expectations.

Oleo [rhythm changes]
There Is No Greater Love
Autumn Leaves
Straight, No Chaser [blues]
Body and Soul
Lester Leaps In (rhythm changes)