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Why I have not been blogging

Medicine 002This has been my life of late.  Yesterday, I broke down and went to Watson Clinic after two-and-a-half days of severe fever, headache, muscle ache, congestion, etc.  In triage, the nurse got readings of a 104+ degree Farenheit temp and a (get this!) 230+ bpm pulse!

I had asked the admitting staff to please expedite me because I really felt I was near the point of fainting or worse and was rebuffed every time.  Once these vitals were read, though, I was rushed into an exam room and immediately administered Tylenol and an EKG.  The EKG showed a pulse of 120+ bpm, a much better scenario.

Long story short, I have the flu and am on bedrest until Monday.  Oh, and I have a very large medical bill now. 

More later.

1 comment to Why I have not been blogging

  • [...] I left Joey D early (The whole program started well over an hour after the published time) to get a good seat for John Patitucci, and boy did I get a good seat! I was second row, just house irght of center for the whole set. I’ve admired Patitucci since long before I ever picked up a double bass. I have been hot or cold on his tone, but his contributions to the advancement of the instrument technically and in terms of bass PR are inarguable. The trio was JP, Antonio Sanchez, and Adam Rogers. Sanchez was a drummer of impeccable time and a deep pocket. I recall at least on Rogers composition that just floored me. I wish I had more to say, but time and the medication has fogged the memory a bit. [...]

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