
Philadelphia Orchestra Tours

I recently discovered the fact that the Philadelphia Orchestra does an excellent job of chronicling its overseas tours on the internet. I spent soume time browsing and found:

    001.The Tour Mainpage|This was actually the last thing I discovered. It provides links to each tour’s front page. The two most notable to me were the Asia tour and the recent European tour.
    002.European Tour Blog|This is an excellent blog and is of particular note to bassist as Mr. Hal Robinson is one of the contributers. It could definitely use more frequent updates throughout the tour, but gives an excellent glimpse into Orchestral Life on the road.
    003.The Asia Tour Photo Page|This excellentpage really made me quite emotional. I spent some time behind the scenes of an Orchestra, as the Development Coordinator for the Orlando Philharmonic and really miss the whole experience. Though I’m majoring in jazz performance, I’m doing work in the USF Symphony Orchestra and really enjoy the feeling of being a part of something much larger than you that an orchestra provides. We’ll see where it leads…

    Phil Orch

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